Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Video Dump!

Here's a bunch of videos that we've been uploading over the past month or so!

Here's the tickle monster!

I found a little piece of elastic on the back of his undies and kept giving him a little snap.  He can tell somethings going, but he can't figure it out :)

Each night, Beth and I sing to Lawson once we lay him down.  This night, he decided to sing himself to sleep.

Lawson figured out how to play the xylophone with his big spoon!

This is a day or two after he figured out how to crawl.  It was hard to get his first crawl on video but this is mighty close.

Lawson's GG got a floaty that buckles around him.  He went into the pool with me and he floated by himself.  His ears were under water and he was super calm and started to kick to propel himself.  Really beautiful.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Whoops, it's been a while. 9 Months

So, Lawson is 9-1/2 months.

Teeth:  Check.  He's got Seven Eight.  He cut another one in the week it's taken me to finish this.

Crawling:  Check.  He army crawls all over the house.

Pulling him self up:  Semi-Check.  He just started pulling himself up onto furniture, but only successfully on one footstool at Grandma Bets' house.

Standing:  No Check.  The kid loves to hold him self up against furniture and be led around walking through out the house.

Eating:  Check.  Everything you put in front of him.  Though he does have preferences that change daily.  One day he'll love peas and hate watermelon, the next he'll switch.  He's master his pincher grip and loves to move food from his tray to other surfaces.

Personality:  Whoa.  Double-Check.  This boy loves to emulate everything that you do.  He'll have a conversation with you, let you know when he does or does not want something, will yell, "heh," at you if he wants to say, "Hi!"  He is starting to like to snuggle here and there, especially when he first wakes up.  He wants to move, explore, and move some more.  He loves to walk around the house while holding your hands.  As he's about to do something that he knows he's not supposed to do, he'll look back at you to see what your going to do.  He's a fast crawler, loves the big pool and the little pool.  He loves to give kisses.  He just learned how to pick up his toys to put them away and will pick up every toy until they are all put away.   What an amazing boy!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Ba, Ba, Blacksheep? Ba, Ba, Boobies? Ba, Ba, Ball? What is it, Lawson?

Lipsmackin! Givin' Kisses!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sitting up!

Lawson is really working hard at sitting up right now.  He can sit up for a good few minutes as long as he has a toy in his hands and there are no other toys around him distracting him to lunge for them.  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Learning new things

When I'm off work, I usually wake up with Lawson and bring him down stairs to listen to music and play.  We play together, sit and play with blocks, snuggle, and I try to teach him new things.  This morning, I was clapping along to some songs and using his hands to clap.   I didn't really think too much of it until later when Beth was playing with him and said he looked like he was trying to clap.  Maybe it's parents reading into our baby too much, but it sort of looks like he's trying to clap.  :-)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Mission Accomplished

Easily the best note I've ever received from a student. 
#teacheroftheyear #notaspellingteacher #missionaccomplished

Monday, April 15, 2013

Rewind in time

Spring time means the return of baseball and listening to the Sox on the radio.  I was thinking about games I've been to and my favorite experience there was my brother's bachelor party.  We ended up being video taped and Torrey was that games Fan of the Day.  I dug up that old video that our friend Watts took and posted it to youtube so I wouldn't loose it.  Here it is.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April shots

Some pics as Lawson turns 6 mos. old.  Holy Macaroni.

Hanging with Mom and Grandma Bets

Awkward Bath Face.

Raw Oysters for Easter.  #fancypants

Weather is warming up to go for walks!

Abi comes to vist!

Alex let's Lawson get into everything.

Wake up hangs with Daddy.

Grammy's new stroller tester.

Senior chubby face.

Just a goofball.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Two Videos for 5 Mos.

I've been meaning to get these up here, but here's two videos that we captured a few weeks ago!  Lawson Turned 5 months a few weeks back - he's almost 6 mos.  He's bigger and brighter every day and I miss him so much at work.  

Every night before bed, Lawson and I have special Daddy & Son time.  This is a game that he likes to play called, "Kick Daddy in the face."

At the end of February we also started real food!  Here's a clip from his first meal of rice cereal and boob milk.   
It's been about 4 weeks of food and so far we've introduced Rice Cereal, Bananas, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Peaches and Oat Meal Cereal.  

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kung-Fu Laughter!

Asleep at the jumper

Lawson was so excited that Alex was visiting he didn't want to take a nap.    
He did bounce himself to sleep though.  :-)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feet Grabbin'

Somebody grabs his feet!

I like his frustration words when he drops his book.

4 - 1/2 Months!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

16 Weeks

16 Weeks:

- Lawson is back to liking baths.  Just a switch on my technique to getting him in there.

- After we had a night out that didn't last so long because SOMEBODY didn't want to take a bottle from Grammy, we've been working on taking a bottle every day.

- Once he passed his 3 month growth spurt, he's back to sleeping from 7:30pm to around 5:30 every night and then going back to bed for a few hours before waking up around 8.  L takes very short (20 minute) naps during the day.

- L's getting very handsy.  Pinching, grabbing hair, his own feet.  Anything he can get his hands on he will grab on and try to get in his mouth.

- He's possibly starting to teeth.  Nothing painful, but he is gnawing on anything you can give him.

- Absolutely loves to stand up. Would much prefer to stand with assistance than sit down in his Bumbo.

- Is fascinated by rattles.  Likes to look at them, likes to hold them, likes to eat them.

- I think he's left handed.  Possibly.  Can you tell this early?

- Is very cautious of small toy mirrors and gets scared by them easily.  Likes wall mounted mirrors and likes to look at daddy or mommy in them.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

3 Months

...or 13 weeks.    A few things about Lawson at three months...or 13 weeks.

- Has been going through a growth spurt and is eating all the time and packing on the pounds.

- Has been sleeping through the night.  He's asleep by 8:00pm and won't wake up until 6:30am to eat, then he'll fall asleep for two more hours and get up around 8:30 with his mommy.

- Likes to sit up, stand up, read books, play under his play mat and structure, tummy time (for about 3 minutes).

- Likes to watch TV (not so fond of this, so I'm telling myself that he likes the bright lights), and he likes to be carried around facing outward so he can see everything.

- Likes to eat his hand and is starting to drool.

- Loves having his diaper changed and is starting to like baths again.

- Is starting to reach out and grab toys and is being entertained by rattles and stuffed animals.

All of these things he likes to do for about 10 minutes each before he wants to move on and start doing something else immediately.  

A few pics!

Tummy Time

Extreme Close up

El Stinkfaceo


Starting to reach out and grab things!