Thursday, March 21, 2013

Two Videos for 5 Mos.

I've been meaning to get these up here, but here's two videos that we captured a few weeks ago!  Lawson Turned 5 months a few weeks back - he's almost 6 mos.  He's bigger and brighter every day and I miss him so much at work.  

Every night before bed, Lawson and I have special Daddy & Son time.  This is a game that he likes to play called, "Kick Daddy in the face."

At the end of February we also started real food!  Here's a clip from his first meal of rice cereal and boob milk.   
It's been about 4 weeks of food and so far we've introduced Rice Cereal, Bananas, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Peaches and Oat Meal Cereal.  

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