Thursday, August 1, 2013

Whoops, it's been a while. 9 Months

So, Lawson is 9-1/2 months.

Teeth:  Check.  He's got Seven Eight.  He cut another one in the week it's taken me to finish this.

Crawling:  Check.  He army crawls all over the house.

Pulling him self up:  Semi-Check.  He just started pulling himself up onto furniture, but only successfully on one footstool at Grandma Bets' house.

Standing:  No Check.  The kid loves to hold him self up against furniture and be led around walking through out the house.

Eating:  Check.  Everything you put in front of him.  Though he does have preferences that change daily.  One day he'll love peas and hate watermelon, the next he'll switch.  He's master his pincher grip and loves to move food from his tray to other surfaces.

Personality:  Whoa.  Double-Check.  This boy loves to emulate everything that you do.  He'll have a conversation with you, let you know when he does or does not want something, will yell, "heh," at you if he wants to say, "Hi!"  He is starting to like to snuggle here and there, especially when he first wakes up.  He wants to move, explore, and move some more.  He loves to walk around the house while holding your hands.  As he's about to do something that he knows he's not supposed to do, he'll look back at you to see what your going to do.  He's a fast crawler, loves the big pool and the little pool.  He loves to give kisses.  He just learned how to pick up his toys to put them away and will pick up every toy until they are all put away.   What an amazing boy!

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