Tuesday, October 2, 2012

the Waiting Game

Beth is upstairs sleeping...finally.  Let me explain.  Last night we went in to the hospital to start inducing labor.  Beth has mild Preeclampsia, so the docs told us it's time.  We went in around 6:30, got some gel to soften her cervix and laid in bed for 2 hours and then sent us home.  We went straight to Wings over Burlington.

* [As I was writing this, the phone rang and off to the hospital we went. I'm typing with Beth next to me and we are watching Batman on VHS]

After our late night wings run, we went back home, scarfed and watched a few episodes of Frasier.  (Boo-yaka-shaw!)  The tired was starting to set in, no labor pains or contractions worth talking about, so we went to sleep...sort of.  It's kind of like sleeping on christmas eve.  Beth slept for maybe two and a half hours.  I slept for six.

Once we got up, ate some breakfast, drank coffee and watched another episode of Fraiser (we're on a kick), Beth called the doc to see when we would have to go in.  Unfortunately, we'd have to wait and it might be as late at 1pm.  Bummer.  Beth took a nap, I watched some Netflix and then started writing this. Then the phone rang. [see above *]

Everything went well getting set up here.  We had an awesome nurse, Alison.  Amy is our doc on call (boo-yaka-shaw again).  They gave Beth a cervical balloon to try to manually dilate her as well as put her on pitocin.  She was still only a centimeter dilated so we played the waiting game.  Then we played the labor game and it wasn't fun.  Then we played the epidural game.  Now we are playing the peace of mind/body and Batman on VHS game.  Beth is four centimeters dilated now, 80% effaced and her water broke on it's own around 8pm.  She is happily drinking chicken broth and quietly amused by a crime fighting Michael Keaton.  Hopefully Lawson will come sometime tomorrow.  I think tonight is out of the question.
(What happens when you let me pick out our movies for the night)

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