Monday, October 22, 2012

Back to work.

I went back to work last week.  I was totally excited to go back because I'm not a fan of being stuck inside. It was great be back even though I miss Beth and Lawson.  My students were all really excited to welcome me back and were asking about Lawson and wanting to see lots of pictures. A lot of students made cards and even some clothes from one family.

While I was out, the school put up a picture of Lawson on the TV in the lobby announcing his birth and when  I returned they put up a big, "Welcome back Mr. V!!!"  It's very nice to feel like a family and part of a community here in Essex - my co-workers are great and the families of the students I teach are wonderful.  

Then today I logged into Facebook during my prep and saw this picture of Beth and Lawson, with the caption, "Oh hey, wanna come hang out wif us?".

Now I want to go home and not be at school any more.  I guess I'm getting attached to the little guy. :-)  Luckily I spaced out my paternity leave and will be taking an extra week at Thanksgiving to spend with my family.  (It still feels weird to say family...good weird)

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