Monday, September 3, 2012

Up in a Balloon

One of the many things I inherited from my Pops was a love for hot air balloons.  I can remember spotting them in the air and my Dad trying to chase them down in our old periwinkle mini-van and seeing if we could find where they landed.

When Beth and I driving around, I always point them out, but never chase.  However, I do have a balloon tattoo.  (It inflates when I flex...sorta)

My old band, Pretty & Nice, had a tune called Up in a Balloon.  (Maybe they'll play it if you beg...or not)

This is what we saw coming back home last night.
I naturally sped home, jumped out of the car and took this video as it went right over our house.  It was so low, we could talk yell to them.  

We had to get going to our friends house for dinner so we couldn't chase.  I think it landed in the field across the street from St. Mike's college right next to Lime Kiln Rd.  Pretty awesome and made my night.

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