- Lawson is back to liking baths. Just a switch on my technique to getting him in there.
- After we had a night out that didn't last so long because SOMEBODY didn't want to take a bottle from Grammy, we've been working on taking a bottle every day.
- Once he passed his 3 month growth spurt, he's back to sleeping from 7:30pm to around 5:30 every night and then going back to bed for a few hours before waking up around 8. L takes very short (20 minute) naps during the day.
- L's getting very handsy. Pinching, grabbing hair, his own feet. Anything he can get his hands on he will grab on and try to get in his mouth.
- He's possibly starting to teeth. Nothing painful, but he is gnawing on anything you can give him.
- Absolutely loves to stand up. Would much prefer to stand with assistance than sit down in his Bumbo.
- Is fascinated by rattles. Likes to look at them, likes to hold them, likes to eat them.
- I think he's left handed. Possibly. Can you tell this early?
- Is very cautious of small toy mirrors and gets scared by them easily. Likes wall mounted mirrors and likes to look at daddy or mommy in them.
...or 13 weeks. A few things about Lawson at three months...or 13 weeks.
- Has been going through a growth spurt and is eating all the time and packing on the pounds.
- Has been sleeping through the night. He's asleep by 8:00pm and won't wake up until 6:30am to eat, then he'll fall asleep for two more hours and get up around 8:30 with his mommy.
- Likes to sit up, stand up, read books, play under his play mat and structure, tummy time (for about 3 minutes).
- Likes to watch TV (not so fond of this, so I'm telling myself that he likes the bright lights), and he likes to be carried around facing outward so he can see everything.
- Likes to eat his hand and is starting to drool.
- Loves having his diaper changed and is starting to like baths again.
- Is starting to reach out and grab toys and is being entertained by rattles and stuffed animals.
All of these things he likes to do for about 10 minutes each before he wants to move on and start doing something else immediately.